Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Do not demerit your Spouse;

As well as your friend;

Otherwise you may not be

Considered as Civilized person;

Do not blame anybody; But

Responsibility should be taken by

Somebody; Make the correction properly;

When you find it immediately!

Find the defect in your Action;

Mind will clear by its Reaction;

Kindness and consideration for Perfection;

Lead the life of Benediction!


Mind desires, planning;

It leads us astray; and

Always in the future;

But not in the present!

Present means Being Pleasantry;

Pleasantry Presents Spontaneity;

Spontaneity is an understanding that

Seeing the futility of Desires!

Once getting rid of Desires,

Then there is no mind;

When there is no mind

And there is Spontaneity, Rejoice!


Science is the language of knowledge!

According to the Conscience; Apart

From religion and region;

Science is the maturity of Knowledge!

Knowledge is one’s own experience;

Experience is the result of self

Enquiry; Discovery and Invention

Are not the only means of Science!

Science is also seeking the

Secret of Mind and Self;

Search and Research about

The nature of living Truth!

Truth is nothing but the

Reality of human Nature;

Studying and feeling of self is

Also part of Natural Science!


God is not a noun; It is an adverb;

State of one’s own mind; as well

As Heaven and Hell; Hence

we need not fix a name or a place!

God is not only by means of

Idols, Scriptures and Pictures;

Not to be seen or shown;

But to feel and enjoy its Holiness!

Whenever we do, Sing,

Dance, Play, and Laugh;

Just have a look inside;

Then the I disappear!

Absence of the I is

The state of meditation;

Meditation can happen only

In the state of receptiveness!

We can find God in our

Life and anywhere; It makes

Us alive as it is everywhere;

Feel the Godliness with Rejoice!


Religion is an art of living;

It has certain Manner of

Discipline to follow and worship;

Religion is only in Humanity!

Humanity is based on

Religiousness; Understanding of self;

Relief from Ignorance and

Belief; Free from guilt!

Guilt is not for children;

Because they don’t have any belief;

Belief is unknown; guilt is one’s

own experience of Knowledge!

Knowledge of guilt is

Nothing but Presumption;

Religiousness means Rejoice,

Acceptance, Naturalness, awareness


Learn to listen and
Listen to learn certainly!
Warn your mind, not to think
Before you learn ultimately!
Do not run after your mind;
Try to understand its nature;
And to be Friend to yourself;
Listen and feel the Godliness!
Listening is an art of learning;
Learning means not to be Egoistic;
Just listen to the happenings around you;
Best to listen while you are doing!
Doing means Walking, Talking,
Thinking, Singing, Swimming
Just listen while doing, and
Knowing of your Being remains!
Then find the Truth itself!
And Doer is not you,
When God is doing in you;
So listen within you!


Communication between the Persons is
To Convince and understand their
Views and ideas by using the
System known as Language!
Language contains words and Phrases;
Knowledge of experience; and
Ways of expressing in one’s own style,
manners are also called Language!
Language of Braille have
made the Dots as letters
instead of Words and Phrase to
Understand and Convey through other Languages
Other than human beings, others
Also have the language,
Through their certain Sounds
Are being made as Peculiar Signals!
Dance and Music are also the
Language of Musing and Divinity!
Silence is the Language of Wisdom;
Language is nothing but the ISness


Fear is an Illusion
Feeling of meaningless;
It need not be removed;
As well as controlled
Fear is not being in the Present;
It’s the experience of the Past;
It should not be expected
which will bring more difficult
To avoid the fear of Ignorance;
We should be in Present
with Proper Self Confidence
at what we are doing.


Death means an accident;
It may happen to anybody,
At any time, as unexpected;
But it should be deliberated!
Death may be adjourned,
And avoided for sometime;
Normally it happens At
The time of old Age!
Since the deactivation of Organs
of the body and mind;
It can be rectified and
Regularized of its Function!
Some of our ancestors
Tried their best To know
The prudence of Death; But not
Revealed it, exactly to us!
Life is a Dewdrop, as it is Present;
Death means The Riddle of the Past;
But not Future; Let’s Feel
Ourselves As the Part of Nature!


Disguise means hidden;
Hidding the original behaviour;
We should be aware of its Action;
To face it, Beware of its Reaction!
The person who disguise have
An Aim to attain something
Aims may be Remarkable; But
The method must be givenup
Disguising of others may be
Differentiated easily, but in
Human kind, its difficult
To be aware Beware of them.


Innocence is the best state

To be in Love; Love is Divine;

Mind makes love with Body;

And Delivers the Energy!

Energy is spreadover;

Feel it everywhere;

It is Being realized

As Benediction and Ecstasy!

Ecstasy is an experience;

It cannot be explained;

It is neither be given nor received;

But it only shares itself!

Self realization is an

exercise, to attain the

state of ecstasy; It is

Nothing But the Meditation


Views are different as well as
Viewers; Review means to
View again for Correction
Review shouldn’t be differentiated!
Preview is meant by Prevision;
Prevision is not the Presumption;
Preview is the Provision of Providence;
Providence would have purview;
Purview is Preface of the Interview;
Interview may reveal the fact;
But it shouldn’t be hurt
that will be the Prudential Activity
Eagle view means keen Vision;
Legal view guides to do Lawful;
Certain Views may be acceptable;
But it should have certainty!


Opinion is the word
From Opine, on the Known;
Knowing is the Knowledge,
On certain subject ultimately!
Opinion may be different;
But can be considered,
And rectified on Particular;
But it should have Certainty!
Anybody may give their
Opinion on anything; But
Nobody should be hurt and
made revenge on any Circumstance;


He is not an Atheist;
And also not Theist;
Theist has belief, But not Atheist;
But Both have concerned Belief!
He is an Agnostic;
So that He is Majestic!
Atheist and Theist are Antagonist;
But Agnostic loves them All!
Atheism and Theism have Greed,
But Rationalism has Pride!
Rationalism is nothing But
The Principle of the Agnostic!


Birth is light; Death is Dark;
Light is white; Dark is Black;
Light is the Presence of liveliness!
Dark is the Absence of the light!
Birth may be Celebrated;
Death should be Deliberated!
Deliberation is nothing But the
Discussion of Reasons of the Nature!
Black and White are
Not at all Colours;
Birth and Death are
the Result of the Providence!


I Believe, or not, means,
I don’t know of Being!
Being is Loving of Knowing!
Knowing is an Experience of Being!

Whenever I am Knowing,
Belief is Disappearing!
When getting Rid of Belief,
Then there is Silence!

Silence is Nothing, But
The state of No mind!
Belief is Nothing, But
The State of Ignorance!

Ignorance has no doubt;
doubt has no belief;
belief would relieve,
on one's own experience!


I Love to and I Learn to
But I never try To
Because I accept myself
As what I am; Often
it is happening in myself;
Then I realized ultimately!
What I loved, and what I learned
To understand!


To have, or not to have;
I like to have; DESIRE
Because, Desire is
The energy of life;
But it should not be
An obsession to me;
Running River, Flying Bird,
Rising Sun, Blooming Flower;
Having not known,
As they have desire;
Desire is nothing but
The state of Reality


I love in the midst of Friends,
Moreover, to be Alone!
I enjoy the Dawn and Dusk,
Moreover, the stars at Night!
I like to play Music,
Moreover, to listen the Birds!
I like to read and Write
Moreover, to be in Leisure!
I opine with Pleasure;
Moreover to be Silent!
Silence is no Mind
No mind is Blissful!
Bliss and Ecstasy will
Be No More over!


Speak the Providential wisdom,
Stop enough, when the listeners longs;
Watch your breath and mind,
Stop enough, when you find your kind;
Walk smartly stop enough,
When you feel to walk more;
Eat well and Taste stop enough,
When you feel to take more:
Try to earn the providence,
Stop enough, when you realize yourself;
Realization of self is nothing
But the state of enlightenment.


Dark is being hugged,
At the time of Dusk;
Dark is being left,
At the time of Dawn;
Then there would be
A light of Might!
Feel thy Godliness,
When you realize the Holiness!
In the midst of Dawn,
And the middle of Dusk,
There would be silence!
Silence is the language of No Mind!


Anything may be bought for its price!
Something cannot be; by giving,
Anything, as Nothing is, as its price;
Something is nothing but the PRESENT!
Seeing the Birds flying in the sky;
Spreading Fragrance by Blooming Flowers!
Shining East at the time of Dawn;
Singing of the River, while falling Down;
Reading between the lines;
Watching between the Breath
Listening to music, while
Playing, you are lost into it.


I can only hear;
Hence I would not ask
Any question; Because,
Answer is within me!
I have only sight;
But, I have not seen
Any Image; Because,
Insight is within me!
I can only adore;
Though I could not make
Any adorn; Because,
Almighty is within me!
Question is the state of ignorance;
Image is the Destitute of sense;
Insight is the human nature;
Almighty is the answer to all!


Meditation is the word from
medicine, to the ill mind;
Mind is the light; Arouse
The light, when it becomes dull;
To drive out the Dark!
Dark means unknown, Ignorance;
Light is the knowledge to know All;
Observing means knowing;
Observe at what your are doing;
Reserve your mind for Being yourself!
Being is nothing But the
Absence of the Observer;
Feel thy yourself; But
in silence itself! - observing
silence, is the state of Meditation!


Small defect brings always,
Bigger affect, in All ways;
To avoid defect and affect;
Be in Present and Alert!
Remembering past and
Dreaming Future, never
Changes your’s; But
Being Present gives Pleasant!
Defect and affect are the
Nature of the human effect;
Effect without Defect is Perfect;
Perfect presents Ultimate as its Result!


Horizon may not be reached,
Mirage may not be credible,
Miraculous may not be expected.
But meditation may be experienced!
Taste may not be explained,
Trust may not be revealed,
Time may not be revised,
But Truth may be realized!
Dreams may not be alive,
Desire may not be fulfilled,
Divine may not be explored,
But Dedication may be exhibited!
Whatever may not Be,
But may be by Truth;
Truth and dedication are
the State of Meditation!


He is a son of the Sun!
As he likes his Father;
He Doesn’t distinguish
Any of Them who are
Living in the World!
Earth is his Mother!
As he likes her Nativity;
He can endure and
Love All of them
Lying on her Lap!
Air is His Brother!
As he likes his Reality;
He can give the Future;
To All of them Dreaming,
Flying under his Swing!
Water is His Sister!
As He likes her Grace;
He will quench the thirst;
To all of them Having it
Floating in Illusion!
He wants to be the Sky!
As He likes its limit;
He welcomes to place on him
All of them loving
To Glitter in the Space!
Space has enough Space
To Accommodate All!
Relativity is nothing But
The Human nativity!
Reality is nothing But
The quality of the NATURALIST


Know your Height;
Know your Weight;
Know your Might;
To know your Health!
Know your Income;
Know your Expenses;
Know your Savings;
To know your Wealth!
Know your Kindred;
Know your Children;
Know your Spouse;
To know your House!
Know your Knowledge;
Know your Language;
Know your Courage;
To know your Magnitude!
Know your Books;
Know your Friends;
Know your Mind;
To know your Majesty!
Know your Master;
Know your Teacher;
Know your leader;
To know your Future!
Know your Rite;
Know your Sight;
Know your Talent;
To know yourself!


I was always thinking something,
But now about nothing;
I was always feeling the words,
But now in between the words;
I was always listening the words
But now I feel myself as a part of nature;
I was always avoiding the sound
But now I love the sound of music!
I was always earning the wealth,
But now I am learning the worth;
I was always restless,
But now I am in rest!
I was always speaking the silence;
But now I am silent!
Silence is nothing,
But the language of wisdom!


Blessing sun is showering;
Milky moon is smiling;
Twinkling stars are glittering;
To join them they are calling,
Shall we go ahead !
Highest Hill beckons;
Tallest tree dances;
Smallest river sings;
To join them they are calling;
Shall we go ahead !
Flower blooms;
Baby pranks;
Mother loves;
To join them they are calling,

Shall we go ahead !