Sunday, May 4, 2008


Children are like Plants
Plants and Children are
Basically barbarians as their own;
All the children choose their mother;

To be a mother is the sacredness
Mother-hood bloom through child
Mother and Child is the
Remarkable relativity in the World

Mother has the reponsibility to
Educate them to be Civilized;
Teach them the wayof life;
with the joyousness and Sacrifice

Take them carefully, Playfully
But not Seriously; like
Playing musical instruments
Help the Child and feel thankful!

If the Child become a beautiful
Human being; the mother-hood will
Be benefited by it; Mother-hood
is nothing but the Godliness!

1 comment:

Deena K said...

After reading this, I want to show this to my sister 'Anu', who is struggling in grooming her son 'Vasanth' - he is very naughty, Always do what his mother don't want to do.

She either don't consider his activities or will get angry and rude in her action when he does something wrong.

I advised her before leaving.

It also remember my mother.

Overall it is nice poem for this "Mother's day".