Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Consciousness is a continuous river;
It is the state of being conscious;
Knowing is one’s own mind;
Mind makes remembrance of memory!

Memory is divided into two;
One is psychological and another is factual;
Psychological memories go on disturbing;
To burden and to destroy our aliveness!

Aliveness means being the present;
Shall we drop our psychological memory;
When there is no psychological memory,
The factual memory is very accurate!

Accurate means just the fact;
Bare fact, naked fact; that
Is in accordance with reality;
Reflects it like a mirror!


1 comment:

Deena K said...

Dear Guru, bit confusing...

Please correct if I am wrong.

Factual memory helps the student to concentrate and follow the lesson in a classroom.

Psychological memory helps the candidate to interpret and answer the questions asked in the interview room.

Basically psychological will try to interpret whatever you hear,see or feel and factual memory will co-relate the the above.

with smile,